Everybody wants their voice to be heard! It’s human nature and good business, as well. Before the coming of public address systems and the ability to amplify sounds, communications to crowds were limited. Speakers had to shout at large gatherings. But those bad old days are long gone. Thanks to modern technology from Advanced Communications Services to handle your Orlando audio services, these days people can be heard!
Public Address Systems
Public Address Systems play an important communications role for a business. When important or emergency news occurs, it must be passed on clearly and quickly. Restaurants utilize public address systems for seating. Sports facilities make announcements or keep customers abreast of events as they happen. Retail stores, fitness centers, stadiums and other sports facilities, resorts, and professional offices, such as medical or dental offices, often use Public Address systems.
Background Music
Psychologists will tell you how powerful music is. It can set the mood and sooth the soul.The right music can influence people to spend more as they shop or to be more content while waiting. To integrate your choice of digital audio music source into a system that is right for your business, utilize Advanced Communications Services technicians in Orlando, Florida! ACS integrates systems and installation for Direct TV™, Dish™, Sirius/XM™, Pandora, and many cable companies, as well as internet-based and standalone audio solutions.

Telephone Paging
Paging systems are simpler, utilize fewer transmitters, and are less subject to interference than cellphones. Pagers are the choice of many safety, emergency, and medical professionals. Pagers usually get better reception in poor reception areas. Internal or external systems can vary from one-zone to multi-zone systems. Our systems can also feature talk-back capability for two-way communication.
Contact Advanced Communications Services when you need to be heard in Orlando, Fl.! ACS has been keeping people secure and helping them communicate with each other since 1985. For Public Address systems, internal and external paging, or audio system installation, contact Advanced Communications Services today!